Ecoprod – URIMAT waterless urinals, save up to 100,000 litres of water per urinal per year

Save as much as 100,000 litres of water per urinal per year as well as substantially reducing maintenance, cleaning and other costs associated with the operation of traditional urinals.

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ABS – Use URIZAP for odourless & blockage free urinals. A sustainable, environmentally friendly low cost solution

ABS designed and produced URIZAP, a highly effective environmentally friendly bacterial treatment embodying safe purpose-specific elements that digest, and prevent the build-up, of uric acid scale, eliminating odours in the process. Non-hazardous and harmless to humans and aquatic life, a 25g scoop contains billions of bacteria.

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MMC – ScrewPile Foundations, to suit your specific ground conditions and load requirement.

Save time on your build programme : ScrewPile foundations are so much faster than traditional concrete, and are load bearing from the minute they are installed.

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Deer Technology – LimpetReaderTM provides a new standard in remote, non-invasive, and accurate recording of meter readings

Our innovative LimpetReaderTM, effectively turns existing utility meters into smart meters, allowing utility usage to be measured and ultimately controlled automatically.

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Quensus – Take full control of your water. Detect and prevent leaking water from anywhere in the world with LeakNet

Quensus provides tailored, end-to-end, enterprise water management solutions to protect buildings from water damage and to protect the bottom line by saving up to 60% on bills.

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Cistermiser – Non-touch infrared taps water and energy saving

Our range of infrared sensor taps are easy to install, as retrofit or new build installations. They help to improve hygiene and prevent the transfer of pathogens with no-touch controls.

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WINT Water Intelligence: Prevent water damage, cut waste and eliminate carbon emissions with Artificial Intelligence.

WINT helps organizations, facility managers, sustainability teams and manufacturers manage their water effectively, cut consumption and prevent water leak damage.

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Mixergy Cylinder – Adaptive Heating Technology.

Mixergy smart hot water cylinders are pioneering hot water solutions invested in by Centrica, Williams Advanced Engineering, among others.

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Dyson Wash and Dry Tap Hand Dryer.

Dyson Airblade hand drying technology in a tap. Allowing you to both Wash and Dry your hands at the basin.

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SmartWaste – A cloud based environmental and sustainability data capture and reporting software solution.

SmartWaste is a cloud based environmental and sustainability data capture and reporting software solution.

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Infogrid – Make any building a smart building.

Infogrid combines small sensors with artificial intelligence to optimise and automate facilities and building management in a way which is easy, and affordable.

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Loowatt Pod toilet – No water. No germs. No question!

Waterless flush toilets – a great solution for sites where there is no running water or are short of space.

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Lifesafe Technologies – StaySafe 5 in 1, A unique fire extinguisher able to tackle five different types of fire

STAYSAFE 5 in 1 by LifeSafe Technology is a unique fire extinguisher able to tackle five different types of fire, electrical, cooking oil, textiles, paper and petrol.

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Encore cistern – Cost Effective & Innovative Water Saving Technology.

Wanting to reduce your water footprint, Encore could be the solution. Encore cistern is unique in utilising waste condensate from air conditioning to flush toilets.

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Wondrwall Net-Zero Solution – Intelligent living, which does not cost the earth.

Wondrwall is a modular system designed to create net-zero homes which create as much energy as they consume.

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T-mac Technologies – Building energy management platform.

Low cost building management system for metering, monitoring and control with typical ROI of under 18 months.

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IWTM Protector – Water by Design.

Our chemical free water treatment for closed loop networks addresses the causes of corrosion to avoid the perpetual cycle of treating the symptoms.

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Rype Office – Circular Economy office furniture

Rype Office is a circular economy office furniture company which saves clients’ money, creates community value and addresses the 300 tonnes of office furniture going to landfill every working day in the UK.

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