Public Sector
We are on 70% of the UK’s leading central and local government procurement frameworks.
These include national frameworks for the Crown Commercial Service, Department for Education, Department of Health and Social Care, Homes England, and the Ministry of Justice. We are also on many of the country’s top regional building frameworks.

Trusted by government
We’re proud to be a trusted partner of government.
Our work helps to boost the economy and delivers value both for our customers and for local communities. In addition, it supports important government priorities like Levelling Up, addressing the housing crisis, net zero, and upskilling the nation’s workforce.
We are proud to serve on these frameworks

DfE 2021 Construction Framework
We are a long-term partner of the Department for Education (DfE) having supported their national construction frameworks and centrally led delivery programmes since 2008. Over the past five years, our place on DfE frameworks has helped Wates successfully deliver 48 Government-funded school projects benefitting more than 51,000 pupils through a dedicated, 10-strong specialist education team, solely focused on delivering better schools.

Crown Commercial CWAS Framework
The Crown Commercial Services (CCS) Construction Works and Associated Services agreement is a pan government framework which can be used by all public sector bodies to build offices, schools, hospitals, universities, prisons and housing.

Procure23 Framework
ProCure23 (P23) is the fourth generation of NHS England’s route to market for the provision of design and construction services to NHS capital projects in England.

MoJ Constructor Services Framework
The MoJ Constructor Services Framework is for the national delivery of new build, refurbishment, maintenance and minor works and associated services for the prison, court and probation estate.

Pagabo Frameworks
Wates are one of a number of contractors on both the Pagabo National Major and Medium Works Frameworks, covering several areas of the UK.

Scape Beyond the Public Sector Construction Framework
The Beyond the Public Sector Construction framework provides a simple, compliant procurement route for local authority-owned private companies, charitable bodies, joint venture partnerships and special purpose vehicles.

Procure Partnerships Framework
The Procure Partnerships Framework is an OJEU and PCR15 compliant framework for any public organisations in England, facilitating contractor partnerships for the procurement of projects. We operate regionally, combining local expertise with national oversight, and are a trusted partner for construction projects starting at £15m and decarbonisation/retrofit projects starting at £5m, leveraging a strong local supply chain network for speedy and cost-effective project delivery.

SCF Construct and Residential Frameworks
SCF Construct and Residential offers public sector organisations throughout London, the South East and the South West, end to end support for construction and residential projects.

YORbuild 3 Framework
YORbuild3 Major Works helps local authorities and other public sector and third sector organisations procure construction projects efficiently and collaboratively. It’s available to organisations across the Yorkshire and Humber region, Lincolnshire and the Sheffield LEP area.

North Wales Construction Framework (NWCFW2)
North Wales Construction Partnerships major framework, led by Denbighshire County Council on behalf of the six North Wales councils, to deliver new schools and public sector projects.

NEPO Building Construction Works (NEPO207)
NEPO207 Building Construction Works framework is available for use by North East public sector organisations providing a OJEU-compliant, value-for-money route to deliver construction works and design services.

University of Oxford Constructors Framework
Wates is one of three partners on the University of Oxford Constructors Framework for projects over £20m in value. Wates was ranked first on a framework is designed to deliver a variety of capital projects for up to ten years ranging from office refurbishments to technically complex buildings. The aim of the framework is to ensure Suffolk County Council and other public sector partners have an effective route to deliver projects in the East of England.

Suffolk County Council Construction Framework
Suffolk County Councils construction framework is in its fourth generation and lasts for four-years. Open to councils across the East of England, to deliver public sector building works.

DfE Schools Construction Framework
We’re using our pioneering modern methods of construction to build some of the UK’s first net-zero schools as part of the DfE Schools Construction Framework.
We also want to build a better future wherever we work. That’s why we always invest in the places we operate in, backing local suppliers, and helping local people to develop new skills.

Developing the Construction Playbook
As a trusted partner we played a key role in developing the Government’s Construction Playbook.
This blueprint for how to deliver public sector works is an 83-page comprehensive framework outlining what the Government needs to fix, and where the building industry can do better.

Levelling up
Many of our largest projects are located outside of London and the South East and we are actively investing in the local economies where we operate – backing local suppliers and helping people to develop new skills.
In Darlington, we have fitted out offices for HM Treasury. The project sees civil servants moving from London to the regions.

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