Ecoprod – URIMAT waterless urinals, save up to 100,000 litres of water per urinal per year

Save as much as 100,000 litres of water per urinal per year.
By installing URIMAT waterless urinals your organisation can save as much as 100,000 litres of water per urinal per year as well as substantially reducing maintenance, cleaning and other costs associated with the operation of traditional urinals.
All of our paints are Trace VOC, Zero added micro-plastics, Ultra-low CO2 footprint = significant CO2 savings versus standard trade paints. We also have a range of paints that absorb CO2 at point of use.
Using URIMAT waterless urinals saves a huge amount of water compared to traditional flushing urinals. Typically each URIMAT urinal saves 100,000 litres of water per year. As a guide, this equates to between £250 and £600 per urinal per year, just in water savings alone (depending on region).
- Return on investment from as little as 4½ months – Our existing customers report an average return on investment payback of 19 months, with many achieving return on investment in substantially less than this. Our lowest payback time, achieved by a manufacturing plant, was only four and a half months from installation time.
- Improved maintenance
- Carbon saving
- Self-cleaning – our latest range of URIMAT waterless urinals are self-cleaning, making them virtually maintenance-free
- Save up to 100,000 litres of water per urinal per year – By installing URIMAT waterless urinals your organisation can save as much as 100,000 litres of water per urinal per year as well as substantially reducing maintenance, cleaning and other costs associated with the operation of traditional urinals.
- Odour-free – URIMAT urinals are guaranteed to remain odour-free if maintained correctly
- BREEM credits
- Carbon neutral production methods
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