Onyx Solar – Solar photovoltaic glass, capturing sunlight and turn it into electricity

Onyx Solar uses PV Glass as a material for building purposes as well as an electricity-generating material, with the aim of capturing the sunlight and turn it into electricity.

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Ecoprod – URIMAT waterless urinals, save up to 100,000 litres of water per urinal per year

Save as much as 100,000 litres of water per urinal per year as well as substantially reducing maintenance, cleaning and other costs associated with the operation of traditional urinals.

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Future Motors – Revolutionary Electric Motors

Our Revolutionary Electric Motors can reduce a buildings electricity consumption and carbon footprint from between 7% and 28%.

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Tepeo – Zero Emission Boiler – Heat your home, not the planet

The Zero Emission Boiler (ZEB®) is an innovative low carbon alternative to a fossil fuel boiler.

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AIM Housing – Digitising housing to support retrofit, NetZero, asset management and to reduce the need for repeat site visits

AIM Housing is at the forefront of revolutionising property management and safety, bringing about significant changes in how housing providers handle their property portfolios.

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ABS – Use URIZAP for odourless & blockage free urinals. A sustainable, environmentally friendly low cost solution

ABS designed and produced URIZAP, a highly effective environmentally friendly bacterial treatment embodying safe purpose-specific elements that digest, and prevent the build-up, of uric acid scale, eliminating odours in the process. Non-hazardous and harmless to humans and aquatic life, a 25g scoop contains billions of bacteria.

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MMC – ScrewPile Foundations, to suit your specific ground conditions and load requirement.

Save time on your build programme : ScrewPile foundations are so much faster than traditional concrete, and are load bearing from the minute they are installed.

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Viridica – Scan Underlay, superior acoustic underlays and under screed insulation for all types of construction

Scan Underlay is a highly sustainable sound insulation product made from around 90% upcycled car tires.

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Deer Technology – LimpetReaderTM provides a new standard in remote, non-invasive, and accurate recording of meter readings

Our innovative LimpetReaderTM, effectively turns existing utility meters into smart meters, allowing utility usage to be measured and ultimately controlled automatically.

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Etopia – Revolutionising sustainable building, without compromise.

We design, manufacture, deliver and install a high-performance panellised build system.

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Quensus – Take full control of your water. Detect and prevent leaking water from anywhere in the world with LeakNet

Quensus provides tailored, end-to-end, enterprise water management solutions to protect buildings from water damage and to protect the bottom line by saving up to 60% on bills.

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Nuneaton Signs – Enviro Range – Helping you make sustainable choices with our Enviro Range

Our company purpose, which was our foundation back in 1982, is to provide meaningful and rewarding employment and training for people with disabilities through the manufacture and sale of signs.

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Envirolec – Clean and sustainable solar street lighting that provides bright LED lighting all year round, require no cabling or trenching and produce zero emissions

Year-round, permanent solar street lighting. Simple to install & no need for external electrical power.

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Veritherm Testing and Monitoring – Measuring Away the Performance Gap.

Veritherm UK are leading innovators in building performance evaluation and have a range of tools and products that can physically test the energy performance of any building.

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Nulok Slate and Solar Roofing System.

Our solar is highly efficient glass-glass tiles that fit seamlessly next to natural slate or our exclusive ceramic tile to leave you the perfect sustainable roof build up that can be installed at pace both on or offsite, making our system the perfect mmc for your next modular or onsite roof build up.

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Unilin Insulation – ECO360 Range: Bio-enhanced PIR insulation

Unilin’s ECO360 Range sees pioneering environmental improvements in the manufacturing, delivery and use of PIR insulation.

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WINT Water Intelligence: Prevent water damage, cut waste and eliminate carbon emissions with Artificial Intelligence.

WINT helps organizations, facility managers, sustainability teams and manufacturers manage their water effectively, cut consumption and prevent water leak damage.

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Eaves Associates – Eaves Associates Ltd offers a wide range of services with the necessary tools and expertise to help produce advanced products that pushes the boundaries in various fields of industry.

UK manufactured solar and wind powered LED Street Lighting and off-grid communication solution.

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