Ecoprod – URIMAT waterless urinals, save up to 100,000 litres of water per urinal per year

Save as much as 100,000 litres of water per urinal per year as well as substantially reducing maintenance, cleaning and other costs associated with the operation of traditional urinals.

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Future Motors – Revolutionary Electric Motors

Our Revolutionary Electric Motors can reduce a buildings electricity consumption and carbon footprint from between 7% and 28%.

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Tepeo – Zero Emission Boiler – Heat your home, not the planet

The Zero Emission Boiler (ZEB®) is an innovative low carbon alternative to a fossil fuel boiler.

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AIM Housing – Digitising housing to support retrofit, NetZero, asset management and to reduce the need for repeat site visits

AIM Housing is at the forefront of revolutionising property management and safety, bringing about significant changes in how housing providers handle their property portfolios.

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Verv – Smart Isolater switch designed specifically for air conditioning units and heat pumps to help reduce energy consumption and predict faults before they occur

The data and information from the Smart Isolator are accessed by the customer via a web-based platform and mobile application which displays faults as well as live and historical data.

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ABS – Use URIZAP for odourless & blockage free urinals. A sustainable, environmentally friendly low cost solution

ABS designed and produced URIZAP, a highly effective environmentally friendly bacterial treatment embodying safe purpose-specific elements that digest, and prevent the build-up, of uric acid scale, eliminating odours in the process. Non-hazardous and harmless to humans and aquatic life, a 25g scoop contains billions of bacteria.

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Quensus – Take full control of your water. Detect and prevent leaking water from anywhere in the world with LeakNet

Quensus provides tailored, end-to-end, enterprise water management solutions to protect buildings from water damage and to protect the bottom line by saving up to 60% on bills.

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Envirolec – Clean and sustainable solar street lighting that provides bright LED lighting all year round, require no cabling or trenching and produce zero emissions

Year-round, permanent solar street lighting. Simple to install & no need for external electrical power.

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Nulok Slate and Solar Roofing System.

Our solar is highly efficient glass-glass tiles that fit seamlessly next to natural slate or our exclusive ceramic tile to leave you the perfect sustainable roof build up that can be installed at pace both on or offsite, making our system the perfect mmc for your next modular or onsite roof build up.

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WINT Water Intelligence: Prevent water damage, cut waste and eliminate carbon emissions with Artificial Intelligence.

WINT helps organizations, facility managers, sustainability teams and manufacturers manage their water effectively, cut consumption and prevent water leak damage.

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DIREK – D-XPERT – Smart Building Management Solution for Enhanced Building Efficiency and Comfort.

SIMS provides a fine-grain view of the utilisation of building resources and space with unprecedented accuracy and enables services such as smart management of the space

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Airex – A smart airbrick retrofit solution for existing homes that reduces heat demand via smart control of airflow.

Airex is a smart airbrick retrofit solution for existing homes that reduces heat demand via smart control of airflow.

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Aico – HomeLINK, the Connected Home Solution

The Ei1000G uses SmartLINK wireless interconnection technology to link every alarm and sensor in a property to give you a full picture via an online portal.

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Viega Megapress – One fire safe system for all applications.

Viega Megapress is the piping press-connection technology specifically designed for use with thick-walled steel tube.

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Altecnic – SATK32 Heat Interface Unit

Altecnic’s range of intelligent heat interface units can have a significant impact in creating a more efficient and effective heat network.

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Minibems – The Enterprise IOT Platform for heat networks

Minibems is a demand management system for complex heating systems that enables improved efficiency and fuel cost savings thanks to intelligent control and monitoring technology, paired with integrated billing.

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Safecility – Testing your emergency lighting just became a whole lot easier.

Our Safecility wireless retrofit emergency lighting control sensor makes manual testing a thing of the past.

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Mixergy Cylinder – Adaptive Heating Technology.

Mixergy smart hot water cylinders are pioneering hot water solutions invested in by Centrica, Williams Advanced Engineering, among others.

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