Creating a path to zero carbon homes

We have launched a new service which will help social landlords prepare their housing stock to meet the Government’s zero carbon targets.
We have joined forces with energy efficiency specialist, Energy Specifics to provide a fully compliant, zero carbon retrofitting service, which will provide landlords with the tools to deliver a ‘whole house’ retrofit of each property with energy saving improvements.
This follows Wates’ commitment, made in January, to achieve zero waste and carbon across its operations by 2025. It also responds to UK Government targets for all social housing to achieve an EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) rating of C and above by 2030 and for all homes to be net zero carbon by 2050.*
*Net zero refers to balancing the amount of emitted greenhouse gases with the equivalent emissions that are offset by appropriate measures such a renewable energy technology.
Download our Retrofitting Service Brochure
We deliver a wide range of services that provide social landlords with a view of their housing performance. These include surveys and detailed analysis of a property portfolio.
We design tailored cost solutions against our customers’ key priorities. These include zero-carbon asset management strategies and whole house retrofit solutions.
We hold the required accreditations, quality assurance and management processes to effectively deliver the works. Our supply chain is fully accredited to PAS 2035.
We ensure our customers have access to the latest funding opportunities in order to support programme cost reduction. These include the energy company obligation (ECO), innovation funding to support families in fuel poverty and Government grant applications.
We will ensure that we continue to support our customers and residents after the delivery through monitoring of building performance using smart technologies and educating the end users.
PAS 2035:2019 is a key document in a framework of new and existing standards on how to conduct effective energy retrofits of existing buildings. PAS 2035 covers how to assess dwellings for retrofit, identify improvement options, design and specify Energy Efficiency Measures (EEM) and monitor retrofit projects.
David Morgan
Executive Managing Director, Wates Property Services