Brexit: Statement from Wates Group

Home News Brexit: Statement from Wates

The following statement is from Wates Chief Executive, David Allen, on behalf of the Wates Group, in recognition of the UK leaving the EU on 31 January 2020.

Since the outcome of the 2016 referendum, we have been making preparations to ensure that when the UK leaves the EU, our business operations will continue without disruption. With the passing into law of the European Union Act, business now has greater clarity on the way forward.

The long period of uncertainty has been damaging to business. It has inhibited investment and public spending, damaging the UKs economic prosperity and harming the construction sector. We are hopeful that the government will work positively and quickly to secure a negotiated deal with the EU, avoiding the prospect of a harmful no deal at the end of the transition period.

We are confident that our family ownership, our financial resilience and the contingency measures we have put in place mean we are as well prepared as we can possibly be to take every opportunity and weather whatever pressures lie ahead.

David Allen, Chief Executive, The Wates Group