Our Developments team sells Friday Street Farm site in Langney, Eastbourne, to Chartway.

The 35-acre site benefits from outline planning permission for the construction of 250 new homes, which was granted by Wealden District Council and Eastbourne Borough Council. The scheme will feature a multi-tenure approach that includes Private Sale, Affordable, and Private Rent homes, to create a diverse and inclusive community. It will also include allotments, playing field and green spaces.
The Friday Street project also marks the start of a new relationship between Wates and Chartway, who share a commitment to delivering new, sustainable, high-quality homes and community placemaking.
The development will place a strong emphasis on sustainability, incorporating homes designed to support biodiversity. The inclusion of community open space will be an integral part of the Friday Street development.
David Brocklebank
Executive Managing Director, Wates Developments
Steve Cresswell
Group CEO, Chartway
Chartway will submit a reserved matters planning application in June 2024, and anticipate commencing on-site in February 2025.