Wates achieves record health and safety performance
Wates has announced a record health and safety performance, following a period of more than three years without a single RIDDOR (reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations) incident.
Further to this, The Wates Groups facilities management division is celebrating 554 days since any Lost Time Injuries (LTI), and an impressive 988 days since any member of the public injuries.
Wates Accident Frequency Rate (AFR) and LTI rate are at Zero, positioning the organisation above industry average.
The latest statistics support Wates drive towards achieving a Zero Harm culture, underpinned by its award-winning Were Safer Together campaign. Since the introduction of the five year programme in 2016, Wates has experienced a marked reduction in injuries, and achieved industry-leading safety performance.
Wates also credits its excellent statutory compliance scores to its in-house IT system. The Assurance Compliance Tool (ACT) was introduced to drive operational efficiency and an access portal for customers. The system provides in-depth, real-time data monitoring and reporting.
I am extremely proud of the high standards Wates FM has achieved in health and safety. The wellbeing and safety of our staff and communities is our number one priority, and we are passionate about embedding this into the culture of the business, and providing a healthy, positive working environment.
Consistent communication amongst our teams has been fundamental in achieving this record for Wates FM. Weve worked closely with CQ safety advisors to help our teams understand the health and safety policies and ensuring everyone has a valued part to play.

James Gregg
Managing Director of Wates FM
Wates currently manages over 350 commercial properties, delivering services including statutory compliance, cleaning, security, catering, porterage, front-of-house, help desks and computer-aided facilities management (CAFM), as well as mechanical and electrical and building fabric maintenance through a mix of site based and mobile teams.