Wates scoops Construction News Contractor of the Year Award 2017

Home News Wates scoops Construction News Contractor of the Year Award 2017

These top industry awards were made in recognition of Wates outstanding project delivery, innovation, and forward-looking approach to the industry. They also acknowledged the impact of our sustainability programme.

The judges said:

Wates showed the judges that it delivers on its promises and that its collaborative approach sets it apart. Its hard to argue with these assertions when the numbers back it up and this contractor, with an ambitious vision of where it wants to be, is clearly delivering results.

On presenting their Supreme Award, the judges summarised:

“Wates has massively impressive sustainability and people strategies, which combined with its work on social enterprise gives Wates Group a real wow factor.”

These awards add to the prestigious awards won in 2016, including Building Magazines Award for Major Contractor of the Year and The Queens Award for Enterprise: Sustainable Development.

Andrew Davies, Chief Executive, Wates Group, commented:

“Everyone in the business can be extremely proud of these achievements. We win these prestigious awards because of the hard work, commitment, skills, foresight and passion of our people, and also that of our customers and our supply chain; these awards recognise this.  To win the Judges Supreme Award is a reflection of the emphasis we place on every part of our business, from training to facilities, health and safety and support services.”