The Budget 2021 – A response

Steve Beechey - Group Public Sector Director
Steve Beechey Group Public Sector Director
The Budget 2021 - A response
Home News The Budget 2021 – A response

The Budget: A response

27 October 2021. We have made the following statement following the Chancellor’s Budget.

We welcome the Chancellor’s budget and, as a business with a significant national footprint, we are particularly buoyed by the Government’s continued focus on levelling up, including a 20% increase in funding for new affordable homes and the 100 local infrastructure projects that will benefit from the levelling up fund.

The construction industry stands ready to start creating the thousands of new homes the country needs, updating and building hundreds of modern schools and colleges, and the infrastructure required to address some of the longstanding inequalities between north and south. The increase in capital spending for healthcare to £11.2 billion, including to upgrade the existing healthcare estate, will also be crucial in supporting the NHS to achieve its net zero ambitions.

As an employer focused on the skills needed for the future, we were pleased to see a commitment to a “skills revolution”. The new funding for T-Levels and adult education will help equip the next generation of construction workers with the skills they need to succeed in a post-pandemic net zero economy.